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Home: Library Assistants

13th June to 22nd June 2018

Library Assistants

The library service runs an extensive program of library assistants as part of the cocurricular program of the college starting at year nine.

In the d'Houet library students from years nine to twelve may volunteer for library assistant duty before school, at recess, lunchtime or after school.  If you wish to become a library assistant in the d'Houet library please see either a member of the library staff or the Library Prefect.  Students are trained in the use of the circulations system and also assist with a range of other duties.

We also have student volunteers assisting with various tasks in the Grange Hill library at lunchtime.

All of these duties attract a semester color point if 80% or duties are completed.


For further details please see Dr La Marca or the Library Prefect.


Genazzano Library Service