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Humanities: Year Nine Geography - Feeding the World


College Bibliography Guide & Research Organiser



World Food Clock

The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations

World Food Program - United Nations

WFP is the frontline United Nations Agency whose mission is to provide food for poor people. The Web-site provides details of food needs, emergency operations eg. famine in Africa, disaster mitigation, a hunger map and statistics on projects. Useful for students examining the equity of food production and distribution globally and how this is influenced by various factors.

Agropolis Museum - Food and Agricultures of the World

The Agropolis museum in France has exhibits about food and the role it plays in society. Topics include: world's food types, history of food and agriculture, farmers and farming over the world and food consumption and nutrition around the world.

ABC Splash - Food Production


BBC Feeding the World Reports

The state of food insecurity in the world reports on global and national efforts to reach the goal set by the 1996 World Food Summit: to reduce by half the number of undernourished people in the world by the year 2015. Reports from recent years are published on this website.

FAO Country Profiles

Future Directions International

Future Directions International summarises the role of aquaculture for food security and nutrition, the threats and weaknesses in food-fish production, and future opportunities

Sustainable Table

This web site is dedicated to sustainable food production. It explains what sustainable agriculture is and highlights the issues surrounding sustainable food production and consumption. The site has a section on sustainable shopping. It touches on additives, air pollution, antibiotics, animal welfare, buying local, cloning, factory farming, family farms, food irradiation, fossil fuel and energy use.


Ricepedia provides information about rice, rice production, and its impact on the world. Topics include: rice as a crop, commodity, food, and the challenges of food security, poverty, climate change and gender and equity issues. It reports on rice in Asia, Latin America, Africa, North America, and Europe.