Choosing Sustainable Materials; This clip explores what makes a material sustainable and asks what makes a building or product truly sustainable.
This video shows a snapshot of a parliamentary role-play in the Education Centre at Australia's Parliament House. It may assist you if you use the role-play kit in class.
Who Are We: Leadership & Leaders Around the World - Library resources. A list of non-fiction and fiction books in our library collection
ABC BTN Special: Indigenous Leaders. Click on the link to find out about Eddie Mabo, Charles Perkins and famous Indigenous women.
ABC BTN: Young Leaders. What makes a good leader. Click on the link to hear what students think.
Britannica - You can either search for your selected leader or scroll down the page and click on the biographies link to explore different leaders alphabetically.
World Book Kids- You can either search for your selected leader or use the important people tab to browse through information.
World book eBooks- World Book has a selection of online biographies that you can browse through. Click on the link and select biographies and autobiographies. Click on a book cover image and you can read the book online.
Topic 1: Where We Are In Place and Time - Library resources. A list of non-fiction and fiction books in our library collection relating to the impacts of colonisation.
Topic 2: Where We Are In Place and Time - Library resources. A list of non- fiction books in our library collection relating to Ancient Civilisations.
ABC Education Teachers Resources: Classroom resources that unpack many important topics related to Indigenous history and culture, including the impact of colonisation.
BTN. This BTN video, available through Britannica School is an overview of efforts made to preserve First Nations languages.
Unsettled Exhibition Australia Musuem: Elements from this exhibition can be viewed online. "Unsettled uncovers the untold histories behind the nations foundation story"
ClickView: available through the Library website, Clickview has a number of digital resources with accompanying lesson activities relating to the impacts of colonisation. Two resources are shown below.
The National Museum of Australia has digital resources relating to the impact of colonisation. Click on the images below to access the site and related information.
Click View contains a number of resources relating to ancient civilisations and the history of inventions and how they changed our lives- Click on the links below to access further resources.
World book contains a timeline for inventions that changed the world. Click on the image below to access.
Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House - Contains a number of resources and activities dealing with Media Literacy.
Media Literacy Thinking Hats - Activity & Worksheet - Analyse how each type of media works, why it was made, who for, and how to read and understand it.
Exploring Media Literacy Infographic - This infographic explores the basics of media literacy and the importance of being media literate citizens.
Media and Meaning Making Matrix - Includes activity ideas to support media making and the development of critical thinking skills and related worksheets.
Common Sense Media: 5 Questions Students Should Ask About Media. This resource includes a video to help students think critically about the media they consume and a downloadable worksheet.
Common Sense Media: 5 Questions Students Should Ask About Media Worksheet
ClickView - Media Literacy, learning about the media - you may be directed to submit your email address to access.
btn Media Resource Teacher Resource- Available through ClickView also includes links to activities
eSmart Media Literacy Lab - Empowers students to navigate media landscapes this resource was developed to assist teachers in bridging skill gaps in their classrooms.
How the World Works: Sustainability & Technology - Library resources. A list of non-fiction and fiction books in our library collection
The following interactive clips explore how engineering can be used to design cities and structures and what different considerations or variables to take into account. You can answer the questions as you watch the clip or print out worksheets.
Building by design series. The following clip explores design and construction materials and how environmental impact and sustainability shapes people's approach. There are other clips available in this series that cover more topics. CLICK HERE to access the link
Below is a list of clips and resources that support the PYP central idea:The design of buildings and structures is dependent on the environment and available materials.
PBS Learning Media: Columns - Finding the strongest shape. In this clip students bend and fold sheets of paper to see which shape is the strongest. If you click on the 'background essay' link you will find specific information about the use of columns.
UN Environment Programme - Building materials and the climate
UN Environment Programme - Plastic bricks in Kenya, Nzambie Matee - Young Champion of the Earth 2020
UN Environment Programme - A practical guide to climate - resilient buildings.
ABC Catalyst S21- E05. Building Greener Cities - this episode of Catalyst (53mins) explores some of the engineering solutions that make cities greener. A Building Greener Cities task is attached to this resource.
CNBC: The lowdown on buildings and their environmental impact. This clip describes the effects buildings e live and work in have on the planet.
BBC World Service: Could vertical forests improve our cities and health? This clip features the Bosco Verticale development in Milan where people in residential towers are living alongside trees.
Gold Rush - Library resources. A list of non-fiction and fiction books in our library collection
Britannica - Eureka Stockade. contains information about events leading up to the event.
CLICK View - contains a number of resources to help understand how the gold rush began and how it helped shape Australia. Topics covered include, the Eureka Stockade, migration, discrimination, & life on the goldfields. See below for a selection of clips.
Miniclips Ep1: Who, When, Where & Why
Miniclips Ep2: Life on the Goldfields
Long term Impacts. The following clip explains the ways the gold rush transformed Australia culturally, politically, environmentally and economically.
Eureka Centre Teaching Resources: Museum in a box - Eureka Stories from the Eureka Centre Ballarat. View the historic items in the box and share ideas about what you think they may be and who would have used them during the gold rush era.
Soverign Hill Collections online: Explore objects from the gold rush era online.
National Museum Australia - digital resources exploring the biggest changes brought about by the discovery of gold in Australia.
Play the Gold Rush Game: can you strike it rich during the gold rush?
The following relates to information linked to the central theme:Marketplaces depend on the ability to produce goods and supply services that can be exchanged.
Budget 2024: This clip explains what the federal budget involves
What is Inflation? Learn about inflation and how the government and the Reserve Bank deal with it.
Price Gouging: Learn what price gouging is and what drives prices.
Australian Made Campaign: Learn about the history of the Australian Made logo.
Where we are in place and time: Library resources. A list of non-fiction and fiction books in our library collection related to the central idea, human migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities.
ABC Education BTN: Chinese migration. Learn the history of Chinese migration to Australia in the 1800's and hear the story of Captain John Egge.
Library Resources. A list of non-fiction and fiction books in our library collection.
Britanncia School. Use Britannica to search key word terms such as biodiveristy, to research your topic. Britannica will provide links to reputable sources that may help with your research.
Clean Up Click on the link to start researching tips for improving sustainability in your school community.
Click View includes a number of resources around the theme of sustainability. Click on the link to view the range on offer. remember to log on to GenConnect to access Click view through the library webiste.
Environment Education Victoria. What are your climate superpowers? CLICK HERE and take a quiz to discover what your climate superpower is, you will then be able to explore actions you can take to enact change.
National Geographic - Biodiveristy. This article explores many topics, including; What is biodiveristy? Kinds of biodiveristy. Human activity and how it affects environments.
NBC News Learn - Organisms in Ecosystems. This clip examines what things can affect the balance of eco systems.
Storybox Library. Click on My Playlists and select PYP 5 & 6 Sharing the planet to access picture books on line that relate to your unit of enquiry.
ABC Education; Australia's wild odyssey. Watch this video to discover how the ecosystems around us are connected, the challenges they face and what we can do to meet them in the future. Other resources are also available on this page.