The Research Process is about finding accurate, up-to-date, relevant information to complete your task successfully. Giving credit to those who have created the information sources that you have used is also part of the research process.
At the beginning, the research process can seem like a huge task. However, it can be made easier by breaking it down into smaller sections and following a few basic rules to ensure that you use your precious time productively. Each of the tabs is a step in the process of research, whether you are writing a brief report or a major essay. Be organised! Use the link below to start your research process.
Polonetsky, C n.d., 5 Barriers to Starting Great Research Projects - SciTech Connect | SciTech Connect, viewed 20 July 2021, < >.
Senior Students are encouraged to explore the excellent online resources offered by the State Library of Victoria. See videos below:
One of the first steps in the research process is finding some general or background
information about your topic.
Goral, M n.d., Research Guides: Articles, Books, and . . . ? Understanding the Many Types of Information Found in Libraries: Reference Sources, viewed 21 July 2021, < >
Books usually provide more detailed information than a general background sources such as encyclopedias. Importantly, books contain information that has been researched, checked for accuracy and if located in a library, have been selected for their relevance and suitability for the library users. The school library is a great place to start locating relevant books about your research topic. Public libraries also have books about a wide range of topics but may be less focussed on subjects studied at school.
Finding Books & Print Resources
Free Photo: Books, Knowledge, School, Library, Education, Read, Book | Hippopx n.d., viewed 21 July 2021, < >.
Articles found in magazines, newspapers and academic journals usually focus on one or two parts of a larger topic and provide more detail. Often, but not always, they are written by experts in their field and may contain the results of experiments or original research. Finding articles that are relevant to your research topic will help provide a deeper understanding of this topic. Many of these articles are found in electronic databases which you can access from the Genazzano Library, Public Library web sites and the State Library of Victoria. Similarly, suitable eBooks may be available from these libraries.
Information relevant to your research topic may also be available on various web sites and depending on your topic, some social media sites. However, it is important that you consult the Using Sources and Evaluating Sources tabs before using web site or social information, to ensure that it is authoritative and appropriate to your topic.
Finding Articles & Electronic Resources
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All sources used in the research process should be evaluated to ensure that they are providing accurate, information compiled by someone who has the expertise to publish material on the particular subject. Sources must also be evaluated for relevancy to your specific research task.
The link below will provide strategies to evaluate sources.
Check List Free Vector Icons Designed by Freepik n.d., Flaticon, Flaticon, viewed 21 July 2021, < >.
Authors and creators of sources must be given credit for their work and Copyright Laws must be respected when works are used in research. This means that you must not "cut and paste" information from sources into your own work. Further information about plagiarism and copyright can be found using the link below.
The Using Sources link also provides access to several note taking and research organising tools. These will help you take notes in your own words, identify linked areas within your topic and logically organise the information you have found.
LibrarJuan n.d., How to Evaluate Internet Sources?, viewed 21 July 2021,< >
Authors and creators of sources that you have used must be given credit for their work. A bibliography lists all of the sources that have been used to create your final piece of work. This includes all notes, quotes, photos, illustrations videos and sound recordings.
In-text references will also be required for some senior secondary essays and research tasks. There are several styles of referencing and bibliographies. The Harvard Style is preferred at Genazzano. Follow the Citing Sources link, to find out more about referencing and using CiteMaker to quickly and accurately create your references.
In this episode, Cobie shows you as many resources as she can into one minute. Can you keep up? State Library Victoria
Learn how to use State Library Victoria's online resources for VCE Australian history. State Library Victoria
In this episode, explore how you can find primary sources relevant to all areas of study of Ancient History through the State Library catalogue and the VCE Research Guide. State Library Victoria
An intro to how State Library Victoria can help you with remote learning. State Library Victoria
In this episode, find out how database ProQuest can help you find information for contemporary issues for oral presentations, Legal studies, Biology and Psychology. This video sets you up for contemporary research in any VCE subject. State Library Victoria
In this episode, find out how to access thousands of historical newspaper articles for free using the ProQuest and Trove. State Library Victoria
Explore the first instalment of our guided education resources to assist with remote learning. The first in this 8-part series of short tutorials is designed for secondary school students and provides easy tips for how to search our catalogue, research guides, image pool and databases.State Library Victoria.
Episode 2 delves into the Library's fantastic English and Literature Guides and we look at how to access resources for your texts. Plus we'll show you how our databases can be super-helpful for your persuasive language writing and analysis. State Library Victoria
In this episode, we look closely at specific databases that can help you with your research in Psychology and other sciences. State Library Victoria