Start your research by reviewing the resources available on this page and the databases listed on the Year 9 Science page. Search WorldCat for items in our library and carefully select which databases and encyclopedias will be of most use to your purpose or task. Think about your search terms carefully and refine them as you learn more about the topic.
The following links provide an overview and starting point:
Overview of body systems from Science Learning Hub, New Zealand. Includes diagrams, images and short descriptions.
Khan Academy unit covering homeostatis, tissues, organs and organ systems. The digestive and excretory systems are grouped together as are the circulatory and respiratory systems.
An Online Examination of Human Anatomy and Physiology
This web site provides an excellent overview of the systems of the human body. Interactive text, diagrams and video. Produced by KenHub, USA, developer of anatomy education for medical students and the wider community.
Search ClickView for more videos about the digestive system.
Animated diagram of the digestive tract highlighting digestive organs from the time food enters through the mouth to elimination. Digestive system organs shown include the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liver, bile ducts, gall bladder and colon or large intestine. Michigan Medicine.USA.
Nutrients are the substances in food that work to keep our bodies healthy and eating a variety of foods from the food groups will give your body the nutrients it needs maintain good health. Registered Dietician Melissa Halas-Liang and two students explore the functions, benefits and sources of the six types of nutrients, including fats, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water.
Shows how the urinary system removes waste materials, and to learn about the organs of the human urinary system and how they help in excretion.
The human excretory system is explained in this animated video. They will learn to identify the different organs, the roles that they play in the filtering toxins from blood, and the creation and excretion of urine.
Internal respiration and external respiration are described. Clear explanations and graphics, show that internal respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and the cells of the body (other than the lungs), and that external respiration is the exchange of gases between the air and blood in the lungs. The video resource details the anatomy involved in breathing, and goes on to look at what causes snoring and sleep apnoea.
This animation features the heart and circulatory system and how they work. Mayo Clinic, USA.
Version 8.25 from the Textbook, OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology, Published May 18, 2016.
Jared explains that our bodies are made up of organs, and that those organs in turn are made up of different types of cells. funsciencedemos
Homeostasis is a term first defined by Claude Bernard in 1865 it means maintaining a constant internal environment this is a bit like car brain works senses all around the body imaging various things and sending the information back to the brain the brain in does its best to keep all these things stable and constant to keep the body working properly. FuseSchool - Global Education
Homeostasis is an important regulatory system that allows organisms to maintain internal stability and metabolic efficiency within variable external environments. This program introduces the phenomenon of homeostasis, why it is important and how it works.
A "sense" is how your brain perceives stimuli going on around it in the external world. As a kid, you probably learned that we had five of them (sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch), but the reality is that we've got a lot more. How many senses do you think we actually use on a daily basis? Science Plus
This animated video that explains the process of perception, the senses and how the nervous system works in presence of different stimuli.