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Sciences: Energy


Start your research by reviewing the resources available on this page and the databases listed on the Year 10 Science page. Search WorldCat for items in our library and carefully select which databases and encyclopedias will be of most use to your purpose or task. Think about your search terms carefully and refine them as you learn more about the topic.

The following links provide an overview and starting point:

Forms of Energy

In Forms of Energy we introduce students to the different types of energy that affect their lives daily and describe how energy can change from one form to another. We also explore one of the most important discoveries ever made. 29 min. 2018.

This video uses an engaging presenter and familiar objects and scenarios – including skateboarding, tennis, vehicles and plant growth – to explore different forms of energy, their effects on objects and processes and conversion from one form to another. Sections include what is energy, kinetic energy (including electrical, radiant and sound), potential energy and energy transformations. 13 min. 2013.

Electrical energy, or electricity, is such an integral part of our lives that we ultimately forget about it. But just what exactly is electricity? Discover this invisible phenomenon and see how we produce hydroelectricity. Hydro - Québec, Canada.

The energy possessed by a body due to its configuration or position is called potential energy. The potential energy of a body can be of two types: gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy. 6 min. 2015.

The nucleus of an atom has potential energy stored in it. This is called nuclear energy. This energy is released during nuclear reactions. The two well-known nuclear reactions are nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. 5 min 2016.

Solar energy and the greenhouse effect

Heat energy is widely used in households, commercial buildings, and industries. The sun gives us energy in the form of heat and light. This is also called solar energy and is is available through both active and passive solar heating. 4.23 min. 2015.

This video explains the process of greenhouse effect, identifies the causes of global warming,  recognises the effects of global warming and describes the methods to control global warming. 6 min. 2013.

Greenhouse gases are present naturally in the atmosphere. They are important to maintain the climate of the earth. 5:24 min. 2015.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Science@NASA: EMS (Episode 1) - An Introduction To The Electromagnetic Spectrum. Explains the different types of electromagnetic radiation and how they are measured. Use everyday examples.

Science teacher Spiro Liacos introduces students to waves in general, and then takes a detailed and very entertaining look at radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma rays. Along the way he surfs, plays guitar and piano, flies a helicopter (a remote control one), dives into the ocean, visits the dentist and spends some time in the tropical sun. 56 min. 2011.

Generating Electricity

Generation is the first step electricity takes on its journey through the power grid, the gigantic machine that delivers energy to millions of people day in and day out. So how does it work? Practical Engineering

Understanding how nuclear fission produces such vast quantities of energy starts with unimaginably tiny sub-atomic particles. This clip details how fission occurs in radioactive nuclei to release energy. It also explores why the amount of energy generated when nuclei split is so great, using Einstein’s equation: E = mc2. 8 min 2019.

Nuclear reactors contain radioactive fuel that undergoes fission, producing immense heat that drives turbines. Globally, about 10 per cent of electricity is generated this way. This clip details what happens inside a reactor, nuclear fuel and its processing, how reactions are contained and how the heat generates power. 8.38 min. 2019.

This animation explains nuclear power plants in detail and how they work. 5 min. Thomas Schwenke

Radioisotopes are unstable atoms that emit radiation, and decay to form stable atoms. Some of their uses are as nuclear fuel and as tracers in medicinal fields. 5.08 min 2015.

Nuclear power stations produce electricity, which of course is extremely useful. However, they also make radioactive waste. Examines how contamination can happen. Considers medical function of radioisotopes, background radiation, radioactive half life. 4 min. FuseSchool - Global Education 

Radioactive Decay

This is atomic structure tutorial video on protons, electrons, and neutrons. Atomic School. 2014

According to JJ Thomson’s model for the structure of an atom, an atom consists of a positively-charged sphere and the electrons are embedded in it. The negative and the positive charges present are equal in magnitude so that the atom is electrically neutral as a whole. 6 min. 2014.

Learn the basics about radioactive isotopes. FuseSchool - Global Education

This program is a comprehensive look at radiation that originates in the nucleus of an atom. It covers the history of the discovery of radioactivity, what makes atoms radioactive, and methods for detecting radioactivity. The program also explains the types of radiation including alpha, beta, gamma & positron radiation, types of decay and decay equations, half life, decay series, radiation dose & dose equivalence. The effects of radiation on living things & the environment and the uses of radiation in medicine and industry are also discussed, with application to real-life situations. 22 min 2012.

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