Start your research by reviewing the resources available on this page and the databases listed on the Year 9 Science page. Search WorldCat for items in our library and carefully select which databases and encyclopedias will be of most use to your purpose or task. Think about your search terms carefully and refine them as you learn more about the topic.
The following links provide an overview and starting point:
Britannica article with images, explaining the concept of ecology includes introduction, areas of study and methods.
What is ecology?General article on ecology, explaining the concept and key terms. Khan Academy.
An organisation fostering excellence in ecological science and practice. It aims to support research and knowledge sharing to better understand ecological systems.
Ecology consultancy - a company that conducts ecological surveys, contact with Australia’s leading conservation and research organisations. Look at what they do and consider how this fits in with ecology issues in Australia.
As part of the Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge (TRaCK) research program, CSIRO documented and quantified Aboriginal social and economic values of aquatic resources and identified their flow links in the first study of its kind in Australia
Rangelands NRM's Western Desert Program funds projects in WA's remote desert rangelands. The projects aim to increase native habitat for threatened species and engage with Traditional Owners about looking after Country. Activities with Martu rangers and women's 'Mankarr' teams have included water monitoring, fauna monitoring, feral animal control, burning and weed control.
Explains the concept of an ecosystem and progresses to examine the two primary parts of an ecosystem. The biotic part is made of all of the living things, like plants and animals, fungi, and bacteria and viruses. The abiotic part is made of non-living things, like rocks and minerals, water, and energy. Red Orbit.
This program shows that sunlight and carbon dioxide are necessary for photosynthesis.
In photosynthesis is that green plants and algae trap light from the sun to fix carbon dioxide with hydrogen and water. This makes organic compounds which then provide food for not only the plant itself but also all animals. FuseSchool - Global Education
Six months after the Tathra bushfire, a pioneering cultural burning project is reveals how traditional Indigenous fire can heal and protect the landscape. ABC (Australia) News and appeal for Tathra bushfire. 2018.
Passed on through the generations, could Indigenous cultural burning save Australia's landscape from another catastrophic bushfire season? ABC (Australia) in depth news story. 2020.
In the heart of Australia lives the red kangaroo, the largest marsupial on earth and a true master of adapting to the blistering desert heat. Wild Australia Series.
Jack Randall is in the Red Center of Australia - one of the most difficult places to survive on Earth. He examines the survival adaptations of the Thorny Devil.National Geographic Wild
Mark Sutton, a Malyankapa man from Western NSW, speaks about two types of mulga trees. He discusses umbrella mulga which is well adapted to the semi-arid environment and describes how its roots are prepared to make a spear. He also discusses common mulga which is used for clap-sticks and food.
In 2010, the deserts of central Australia were transformed s floodwaters wound their way through the parched landscapes. Join us as we explore the rare natural wonder of the desert water system.